“To reach a port we must
set sail –
Sail, not tie at anchor
Sail, not drift.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
This is the quote that came
to my mind a few days ago when, after having finished our Ashtanga yoga practice with
relaxation in savasana, our teacher asked us to sit in a comfortable position
and close our eyes guiding us through a visualization exercise which was something like
this (me paraphrasing): "You are on a sailing boat at the dock, ready set
sail. Straight in front you lies an exotic island where you have never been
before. The scenery is so beautiful and the mystery of the undiscovered place
feels you with a strong urge to get there so you prepare the sails and turn the
engine on. The boat starts moving forward but a few seconds later won't go any
further. You look back and realize that you have not untied the rope from the
dock. At the moment you look back you are filled with hesitation. You love the
place you are right now, you have explored it and know it well, you feel
comfortable and safe there. Then you look ahead at the undiscovered island’s
direction again. It seems so beautiful and you want to explore it. You have no
idea what you will encounter there but you know that for a long time you will
not feel as secure as you do in the place you are now. The decision is yours to
make." In my visualization I cut the rope and set sail filled with joy.
And when I get there what I discover is more beautiful and thrilling than what
I have left behind.